FCA review into valuations has started…

July 2, 2024

Last autumn we warned you this might happen….

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How Articles of Association impact on valuations (part 4)

June 25, 2024

How restrictions on share classes impact on how each class is valued

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How Articles of Association impact on valuations (part 3)

June 18, 2024

The impact of special clauses in Articles

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How Articles of Association impact on valuations (part 2)

June 11, 2024

Nominal share values and what happens on a return of capital

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How Articles of Association impact on valuations (Part 1)

June 4, 2024

This is the first in a 4 part series discussing how the clauses in a company’s Articles of Association can impact on its valuation

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How much is a vote worth?

May 23, 2024

It’s not only in relation to government that votes matter!

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How we dealt with a particularly curious valuation challenge

May 14, 2024

This is how we aligned with a client’s understanding of a company’s value vs. what the maths told us.

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Valuations are rising & the HMRC SAV team is as intelligent at ever

May 7, 2024

The good performance of UK stock markets is already making a difference to private company valuations.

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Sobering news on EBITDA multiples from the US

April 23, 2024

A fascinating report from BVR in the US gives insight into the changes in historical EBITDA multiples for many industries.

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What is Shell worth?

April 16, 2024

Location matters for comparable quoted companies

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