Employment Law

We strive to provide our clients with a clear and thorough valuation report that can be used in all situations relating to employment law.

As a company, we have significant understanding of the issues around valuations used in employment law situations. We offer professional valuations, with detailed reports and full supporting documentation for any valuations we complete.

We understand why valuations and supporting arguments are needed now, and also later. For example, in cases where a review of the valuation process may be challenged not only contemporaneously but also long afterwards.

We seamlessly bridge the gap between the highly technical methodologies and the efficient, easy-to-understand report that our clients and their advisers can readily accept.

We offer a full valuation service for unlisted securities, delivered quickly and efficiently to the highest professional standards for:

  • HMRC approved share option schemes Including EMIs, CSOPs, SAYE schemes and SIPPs, recognising factors such as impairment of value because of terms in shareholder agreements, current trading conditions, comparable companies and illiquidity.
  • Unapproved Share Option Schemes
  • Good Leaver / Bad Leaver We have significant understanding of the complexities surrounding the valuation of SMEs in good leaver / bad leaver negotiations.
  • Other use cases as required

What we offer...

Tick   We specialise in valuing equity stakes in unquoted investments for employment law situations,
including good leaver / bad leaver negotiations.
Tick   We understand how to value and explain our methodology, for example, where there is a complex capitalisation table with a waterfall distribution which can significantly impact on the value of an individual shareholding.
Tick   Whilst we apply the highly technical valuation methodologies required to satisfy HMRC, our reports are designed to be easy-to-understand for our clients and their advisers so that they feel confident in using the report.

Private Company Valuations Guide

Request our FREE, essential guide to private company valuations here!

Can we help you?

For further information or to book a free demonstration contact Modwenna on 07736 676212 or make an enquiry.