We hope this section below answers any questions you may have about our valuation service. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

How long does it typically take for a valuation to be completed?
On receipt of all requested data, our team will typically take round 3-5 working days to complete a valuation report. However, this is subject to the nature of the case. Our team will be able to provide a full schedule once they have taken a look at the case. Please get in touch to book an initial call.
How do you charge?
We can either charge on a time and materials structure, or we can arrange a fixed fee, dependent on clients need.
What is the valuation process?
To gather the required data from your client in the most hassle-free way possible, we use a simple three-step process.

Once a client is engaged, we have an Initial Scoping Call to understand the desired outcome. This allows us to understand what data we need to complete the valuation.

We then send out a Data Request Form for clients to fill in and send back to us for analysis.

Once we have all of the relevant data, we then produce a detailed Valuation Report, which includes all the reasoning behind the conclusions we have come to through the data.
Private Company Valuations Guide

Request our FREE, essential guide to private company valuations here!

Can we help you?

For further information or to book a free demonstration contact Modwenna on 07736 676212 or make an enquiry.